Wednesday, May 15, 2024

#WritersLife: New Poetry Updates May 2024


#WritersLife, where I talk writing in real life. 

I'm so excited with the progress I've made on my latest poetry collection! It came back from the editor at the end of April, I spent time on the copy edit suggestions, tweaked minor lines and sections, and sent it off to my critique partner. 

Today I finalized the meta data, including the blurb, categories, and tags for KDP, D2D, and IngramSpark. I also want to upload to Kobo directly this time so my ebook can be included in the Kobo Plus program (I have a video going up soon on my three months experience as an author on Kindle Unlimited). The cover was finalized a little while ago, and it's killing me to not share it yet!

I finalized the ARC sign-up form which I hope will be going live in July, and I'm thinking of having blog subscribers or YouTube subscribers as my first-come, first-serve group if anyone is interested. Money is a little tighter than last release, so I want to minimize just how much money I give to Meta while I search for ARC readers (I used a boosted ad last time, which found me 24 readers and of whom 8 left reviews). 

This is a hard collection. It focuses on my familial relationships, how they shaped me, and how they continue to affect me even after their deaths. For those who read my debut collection, The Ones, you may have picked up on some allusions to the theme of this new collection, but it's something I haven't dived into in years because I had accepted it as a part of my life. 

For anyone facing hardship in the terms of illness, abuse, neglect, or anything outside of their immediate control, this is the collection for you. It will probably make you cry in more emotions than one because I did from start to finish crafting these pieces. 

I still need to draft the scripts for my YouTube videos for this Friday and next, but I'm debating skipping next Friday because I need a bit of a breather. I took a week off for the first week in May, much needed after nonstop client work for editing and beta reading, but now I need time off to finalize the publishing aspects of the new poetry. 

Oh, and book marketing. Can't forget that. 

Happy writing, reading, and life-ing!

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